

CircleCI codecov

What is it ?

A well-tested data structure to represent data as Directed Unweighted ( for now) Graphs.

Why not cal it TheDUG then ?

Because its aimed for use cases where the graph is acyclic.

Adding weights support to edges and the corresponding traversal and utility methods is something I will add when I need it or when someone is kind enough to submit a PR for it.


yarn add the-dag

Full API documentation


Instantiate a DAG

constructor javascript const TheDAG = require('the-dag'); const aDAG = new TheDAG(); // You can optionally pass in your own state read/writer

Create a simple graph

addNodes & addEdges ( simple ) javascript aDAG.addNodes([{ nodeID: 1 }, { nodeID: 2 }]); aDAG.addEdges([{ source: { nodeID: 1 }, target: { nodeID: 2 } }]);

Destroy graph

destroy javascript aDAG.destroy(); const nodeIDs = Object.keys(aDAG.toJS().nodes); // expect(nodeIDs.length).toBe(0); const edgeIDs = Object.keys(aDAG.toJS().edges); // expect(edgeIDs.length).toBe(0);

Create aCyclic graph

addNodes & addEdges javascript aDAG.addNodes([ { nodeID: 1, data: { some: 'data' } }, { nodeID: 2, data: { someOther: 'Data' } }, { nodeID: 3, data: {} }, { nodeID: 4, data: {} }, { nodeID: 5, data: {} }, { nodeID: 6, data: {} }, { nodeID: 7, data: {} }, { nodeID: 8, data: {} } ]); aDAG.addEdges([ { source: 1, target: 3 }, { source: 1, target: 4 }, { source: 3, target: 5 }, { source: 3, target: 6 }, { source: 4, target: 2 }, { source: 4, target: 7 }, { source: 5, target: 8 } ]);

Get distance from one node to another

getDistanceTo javascript /* Get distance or number of hops required to go from one node to another */ const distanceFromNodeOneToNodeTwo = aDAG.getDistanceTo({ sourceNodeID: 1, targetNodeID: 2 }); // expect(distanceFromNodeOneToNodeTwo).toBe(2);


API Usage Demo javascript /* import graph from any different format */ const inputGraphWithDifferentFormat = { nodes: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], edges: [ { source: 1, target: 2 }, { source: 2, target: 3 }, { source: 2, target: 4 } ] }; const graphReducers = { nodeIDGenerator: node => node, edgeSourceIDGenerator: edge => edge.source, edgeTargetIDGenerator: edge => edge.target }; aDAG.importGraph( Object.assign({}, inputGraphWithDifferentFormat, graphReducers) ); expect(aDAG.toJS()).toMatchSnapshot( 'import graph from any different format' ); aDAG.destroy(); /* Get edge by source and target ids */ const edgeFromOneToThree = aDAG.getEdge({ source: 1, target: 3 }); expect(edgeFromOneToThree).toMatchSnapshot( 'Get edge by source and target ids' ); /* Get edge by source and target nodes */ const edgeFromOneToThreeUsingNodes = aDAG.getEdge({ source: { nodeID: 1, nodeData: {} }, target: { nodeID: 3, nodeData: {} } }); expect(edgeFromOneToThree).toEqual(edgeFromOneToThreeUsingNodes); /* Get all DAG edges */ const allDAGEdges = aDAG.getEdges(); expect(allDAGEdges).toMatchSnapshot('Get all DAG edges'); /* Get all DAG nodes */ const allDAGNodes = aDAG.getNodes(); expect(allDAGNodes).toMatchSnapshot('Get all DAG nodes'); /* Check if node exists */ expect(aDAG.nodeExists(1)).toBe(true); expect(aDAG.nodeExists({ nodeID: 1 })).toBe(true); /* Get edge ID */ expect(aDAG.getEdgeID({ source: 1, target: 2 })).toBe('1_2'); expect( aDAG.getEdgeID({ source: { nodeID: 1 }, target: { nodeID: 2 } }) ).toBe('1_2'); /* Get node by id */ const nodeOne = aDAG.getNode({ nodeID: 1, nodeData: {} }); expect(nodeOne).toMatchSnapshot('Get node by id'); /* Get nodes by relative distance */ const nodesTwoHopsAway = aDAG.getNodesByDistanceTo({ sourceNodeID: 1, hops: 2 }); expect(nodesTwoHopsAway).toMatchSnapshot('Get nodes by relative distance'); /* Check for acyclicity and get topologically sorted array */ const { isAcyclic, topologicallySortedNodeIDs } = aDAG.isAcyclic(); expect({ isAcyclic, topologicallySortedNodeIDs }).toMatchSnapshot( 'Check for acyclicity and get topologically sorted array' ); /* Traverse the graph breadth first synchronously */ const visitNode = jest.fn(); const syncTraversalResult = aDAG.traverseBreadthFirst({ startingNodeID: 1, visitNode }); expect(syncTraversalResult).toMatchSnapshot( 'Traverse the graph breadth first synchronously' ); expect(visitNode.mock.calls).toMatchSnapshot( 'Traverse the graph breadth first synchronously visitNode calls' ); /* Traverse the graph breadth first using generators */ const nodeIterator = aDAG.traverseBreadthFirstGenerator({ startingNodeID: 1 }); let currentNode = nodeIterator.next(); let orderedNodes = []; while (!currentNode.done) { orderedNodes.push(currentNode.value); currentNode = nodeIterator.next(); } expect(orderedNodes).toEqual(syncTraversalResult);

Read tests and snapshots for more usage information.


git clone https://github.com/rakannimer/the-dag
cd the-dag && yarn install
yarn test ## To make sure everything is setup correctly
